Sunday, August 26, 2012


Twin Flames – Origin, Purpose and Relationships

Your Twin-Flame or what is sometimes called a Twin-Soul, is literally, the other half of your soul.
Twin Flames are two halves of a single unit. We all have a Twin Flame. 

Hence, this is why so many people will keep turning lovers away, and search aimlessly, not really knowing what it is they are looking for. What is missing is their Twin-Flame, yet this does not always mean that you will find it on Earth at the same time you have come here. In fact, this is quite a rare experience. 

When you do meet your Twin-Flame, it is such an indescribable "ONENESS”. There will be not one doubt in your mind about who you have met. Your souls take on their own little dance of homecoming!! You will feel as though you are on a new energetic level, and most time your body will beat differently, you will think differently, and you will feel differently...all of these things are not found so intensely in any other type of relationship, and this is absolutely life-changing to both of you. This can happen in same sex relationships, where you have incarnated as the same sackbut nevertheless,it is no less powerful than the relationship of man and woman. 

When Twin flames do incarnate together the coming together is often chaotic and stressful, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Their relationship is very intense. The romantic loving version we all think of is really for Twin Souls. Twin Flames come together as two mirrors. They are there to reflect back each other's imperfections, for the ultimate goal of the Twin Flames is total union once more. To achieve this, total balance is needed by both of them on all levels. It is found that those areas, in which they both have harmony, are the areas they no longer need to work on.

Twin flames also have many differences, these may be age, sex (same sex is possible), geographic locations, morals, beliefs, race, income brackets. They incarnate specifically to be the facilitator of the others growth and ascension. And yet the bond is such that being together is like coming home. The attraction is strong on every level, and spiritually they know they are one. This knowingness helps them over many of the hurdles, mostly created by pre-conditioning, beliefs and personality.
As the Twins become more into balance and their service here on the planet becomes more into their awareness they spiritually grow at a faster rate than when they were apart. They find their spiritual gifts are fine tuned. Each often possessing a gift the other does not. They are sensitive to each other's energy flows and stresses. Being apart is like functioning at a reduced level.  

 Together, they become balanced and more of who they are, just by being in each other's energy.
The re-union of the flames creates the deepest of connections for these two people.
Once again, there will be variations, but generally, you both will have no mistake that you know each other completely, even on the first day of meeting.
Twin-Flame relationships are the strongest bond between couples, and even if you meet your Twin-Flame at a young age, you will stick together for life. It is so powerful that it becomes what defines you, and inspires others to reach for their own connection with a "Twin-Flame" 



A remarkable journey begins to unfold when you are with your Twin-Flame. First it will uncover alot of hidden emotions from the female side of it-and you will have to finally accept or let go of all the past and disappointments you have felt. This will be a natural process. On the male side of this, he will need to overcome physical and mental anguish, that has bothered him. So what happens here, is that both people will instinctively be made to strengthen who they are, and know/analyze themselves completely? You may think that you already do-but the connection with your Twin-Flame will force you to search deeper into yourself then ever before and lay everything on the table so to speak. You won't ever be able to hide anything from each other, and you don't want too-its impossible!

Over time, this becomes unnecessary, but then you have built an unbreakable bond that is sealed  with pure love.


There comes a point in everyone's life where you are just plain tired. Nothing you do has really made you happy. Things have been done out of necessity or responsibility. You may have been struggling all your life to pay for things, and working just as hard to keep at least a little money coming in. Through your life you have felt that you were the one doing all the giving, and have gone through periods of anger at others, as well as at yourself.
It is at these low times in life, that we see a change appear. Even if it is only for a moment, we can at least be grateful for one thing in our lives-even just the cat noticing that you are sad...So as we start to look deeper at life, and see if we notice a pattern happening, we have just opened the lid, to the next part of our inner journey. You must tackle the inner demons and learn to focus your life in a positive manner. Even when the whole world continually crashes around you.

This is the only way to freedom, and peace of mind. In this higher state of being, is where Twin-Flame love resides.

So when you meet your Twin-Flame, the positivity that you are all about, your level of spirituality and your dreams and goals, are mirrored in this person. So much so, that you are able to manifest the life that you want, and feel as though you have accomplished more than you could ever hope for. But it always has to start with you.
Soulmates and Twinflames can have many similiar signs but how do we discern the difference? For the most part I would tell you not to worry about it because all Soulmates and Twinflames are very important relationships. You will find that Soulmates are the most common while Twinflames rarely ever incarnate together at the same time.

Soulmates and Twinflames will make you feel the same type of "familiarity" between you. You will feel so comfortable with your Soulmate or Twinflame. Soulmates have an intense attraction for the Romantic types but Twinflames have an incredibly, intense attraction to each other like no other. Most of us have met at least one Soulmate. When you look into a Twinflame's eyes you have this feeling of "knowing" immediately. It's a beautiful feeling that is very difficult to describe. You may feel this incredible love around you like you are being surrounded by angels.

Soulmate relationships can be best friends and lovers, even family members but as a Romantic partner, a Soulmate will have a lot in common with you and equally alot different. Normally Soulmates come in different aspects of our path to support us on our spiritual journey to learn and present a lot of challenges. Many times we have difficulty facing those challenges with our Soulmates as they are most times fueled by past Karma or conflicts within us that our Soulmates cause us to face. Soulmates bring some aspect that we need to address head on but we always have a choice to do that or walk away. Typically we tend to navigate Soulmate relationships more on "conditional" love but through them we become more tolerant [in life] which leads to more acceptance and forgiveness as we grow and move forward in life and crosspaths with others.  The Soulmate connection really never goes away either and it's that connection that forges changes so subtley that we may not realize it immediately.

Twinflames are a mirror image of each other but you may notice also that with the commonalities that are many, you will also be on opposite ends of the spectrum in some areas of your life. That is to help you both find balance in those areas.

The other signal, though, of Twinflames is that it is a very difficult connection to detach from. Soulmates have a similiar and very intense connection that is hard to walk away from but Twinflames will suffer intensely from this separation until at least they find comfort in that they are always connected, as we all are through our hearts and so no matter if they are together physically they can still work together toward ONE.

ManyTwinflames report other obstacles such as distance, marital status, significant age difference and other conflicting circumstances that force the two to remove ego and many patterns of thinking they previously thought were right.

Finally, a Twinflame involvement causes you to lose your time and space. What seems like minutes turn into hours. Twinflames have to learn how to balance their Quantum Connection with their 3-D existence.



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