Wednesday, September 26, 2012

(!@#$%^&*) "DOODLE" Secrets you should KNOW...

Yes Most of us DOODLE! Even if we don't admit to it!
But whatever the doodle, it is often a totally unconcious drawing whilst our mind is concentrating somewhere else.

It is surprizing to that we  tend to repeat the same selection of favourite patterns,i.e dots,boxes,triangles.circles.our names- the choice is endless.doodling can help to relieve tension particularly if we press hard it is said that it can calm our nerves too.
i.e. dots, boxes, triangles, circles, ouryyscious drawing whilst our mind
It's surpd tend to repeat the same selection of favourite patter
particularly if we press hard it is said that it can calm our nerves t
Why do we doodle?

Because we are unlocking some of the hidden anxieties in our everyday life.

But what do they mean?

Let's work out a few explanations.

Stairs and steps - open to relationships

Webs - an intricate web shows a desire to accumulate friends, money and status

Squares as opposed to rounded shapes indicate a need for order and structure

Slashed lines - this is an angry person

Open boxes - a practical and logical thinker

Writing your own name over and over again means egotism

Bold arrows - very determined, great drive, direct

Retraced patterns - a perfectionist

Triangles - Suggest an aggressive personality, highly competitive

Flowers - are imagination - love of beauty and a search for love

''People who DOODLE learn Faster''

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